世界名曲--《I’m Yours》是他最著名的歌曲。
除了《Im Yours》这种英伦自然风曲,他也能演唱多种音乐类型,包括:流行音乐,摇滚,民族音乐,爵士乐,乡村音乐、Hip Hop等
Jason Mraz, is an American singer-songerwriter. Im Yours is the most favorite to the audiece. Apart from Im Yours– as a British tender style of song. He also can perform other types of songs, which include: trend, rock, traditional, jazz, village, hiphop and etc.

今年Jason Mraz <Good Vibes>亚洲巡演终于来到大马站了!13/5/2019(星期一)晚上八点半 ,在KL Axiata Arena 室内体育馆正式开演!
For the fans of Jason Mraz, it time for your advantage!!
Jason Mraz <Good Vibes> Asia Tour is now finally arrives to Malaysia in 13th of May 2019 at KL Axiata Arena
indoor stadium.
The ticket is available , link to the webside to get the tickets and further information .
The information about 15% promo code are shown below.

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FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/swangss/